Friday, October 24, 2008

The weeks go by...

Well, I was told by my future brother-in-law that it's good to keep the blog posts up to date, even if nothing unusual or extremely exciting has taken place. But here are some pictures that I've taken recently. First, this is a typical African style bubu (sp?) I had made to wear to church and things. I wanted to get a pretty loud fabric since I might as well go all out, and I think I succeeded.

I thought I would show people the lovely Chaco tan that I've acquired while here, though this picture doesn't really do it justice. It would be more severe around the back straps if I didn't wear full-length pants everyday. And don't worry, I'm sportin' a great farmer's tan around the neck and arms to match.

While playing in part of a softball tournament in Niamey, TK somehow pulled a muscle in his leg that days later developed a pretty disgusting bruise across the majority of his thigh. I thought it was blogworthy, especially since it got considerably larger than even this.

Now for serious posting, I will ask that y'all pray for our friend Adama, he is a Bissa who knows English which is great for us. We have shared the Gospel with him, and he knows a lot about the Bible. However, he's stuck in a very pluralistic mindset. He loves me and TK, but I don't think it goes beyond us being his nassara friends. We've been trying to be more intentional with our conversations with him, and last night we were able to share more very clearly what we believe what was accomplished by Christ on the cross for those who believe and follow him. He seemed to really be thinking about it, which isn't usually the case. Pray that the Lord would bother his heart.

Also, I will ask that y'all would pray for something back in the States. I found out this morning that the wife of one of my closest co-workers from the summer, who just had a baby, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in the hip, spine, and liver that I think may have spread to various other parts of her body. My heart is so broken for Krisit, Chuck, their boys, and their family at this time. Please pray, really pray, for miraculous healing for Kristi from the Lord. Please also pray for the Lord to grant strength and peace to Chuck and the family, the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding as we rest in Him in all things. It is so hard to even believe that's possible in such a situation, but the Lord is eternally good.

Miss you all!


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for both things!
Keep posting!


Mom said...

And is that future brother-in-law that is encouraging you to stay current the one who has not updated since July?????? Hooray for Skype, I say...and blessings on all of you who are doing something so much more important than keeping us updated. We do love to hear from you though and will keep you and TK and those prayer requests lifted up.

Blessings in all,
Mrs. H

John M said...

I am lovin that bruise picture. Prayers for Kristi, Adama and you.

In Christ,

Mark said...

Thanks for the update Todd. I'll be praying for you, Kristi, and Adama.