Friday, September 12, 2008


So we've been in Ouaga now for coming up on a month... yes, it's taken me forever to post on the blog. TK and I feel very blessed to have our apartment. We didn't really know what conditions we'd be living in for our 4+ months, and we were prepared for a hut with not power or running water. We call our place a villa basically, and though the neighborhood 3rd world in American standards, we really are living like kings here. We have power (most of the time), running water (most of the time), a fridge, stove, living room, bedroom, TOILET, SHOWER (cold showers are not all that bad after the first 10 seconds)...

These two guys are named Joshue (Joe-sway) and Rodolphe, and they are Bissa believers who know English- praise the Lord! They are great and we had them over for some greasy American Southern cookin' last night... country fried steak, mashed potatas, gravy, fried ocra, and Kool-aid...

This is Yaya, our Bissa language teacher. We finished class today and are getting into full-fledged ministry and evangelism. He is a believer and is very encouraging. His family is all Muslim, however, so pray that the Lord would use his witness to bring them to Himself.

This is a picture of the mud brick shanty-town area where most of our ministry in Ouaga will take place. It's called the Non-Loti (not sure about the spelling) and it's like a labrinth. Kids are everywhere all over our neighborhood and the Non-Loti, and they like to yell out "Nassarra, Nassarra", which means white person or just "Le Blanc", which is french for white. You mainly have to ignore them for sanity's sake and to get anywhere while we ride on our bikes. Sometimes it's fun to call "Mincasida" back at them, which is Bissa for black person (especially since most of them don't know Bissa). Pray that the gospel would spread vibrantly in this area.

Last of all, right now is "La Wakati"- rainy season. This means that riding a bike around everywhere is quite an adventure, especially if you're trying to keep your clothes at all clean...

1 comment:

Seth & Jill said...

todd. we've enjoyed your blog so far. and we are praying for you!

-the wachtels